117 channels; 72MHz-76MHz,40 IDs allow 40 groups to use simultaneously,Avoid the interference of other frequencies automatically.
The smallest and lightest,The cleanest voice transmission.
The wire of the microphone and earphone has the antenna function, so please unfold the wire of the microphone and the wire of the earphone to make sure the voice signal transportation when using this system or testing.
NOTE before Buying: Please DON’T buy many or large quantity sets/units one time if you never operated this system before or don’t know what it is for . Strongly advise customers just to buy one set/unit to test this system and completely understand its functions and know its advantages and disadvantages.
If you like it after testing, you could buy many sets/units one time. Once a customer bought many sets/units of this system but immediately request returning right after he received the package due to he didn’t like it and he realized that it’s not what he want. This raised too much costs and waste to the transaction, your kind understanding would be highly appreciated.
1.117 channels;72MHz-76MHz.
2.Avoid the interference of other frequencies automatically.
3.The smallest and lightest.
4.The cleanest voice transmission.
5.40 IDs allow 40 groups to use simultaneously.
This Wireless tour guide system is designed specially for guides and
groups.It is a lightweight,multi-channel system that helps tour
participants listen directly to the tiur guide clesrly,enhancing the
wireless/effortless presentation effect between guide and participants.
Tour guiding, wireless meeting, wireless teaching ,Simultaneous
Interpreting,corporate hospitality, Factory tour,field interpretation,Theaters, Governmental Agencies, Houses
of Worship, Conventions and Auditoriums,etc.
Transmitter & Receiver:
Frequency Range:72MHz-76MHz
Power Supply:DC3.7V
Frequency Response:50-18000Hz
S/N Ratio:¡Ý90dB(Typical)
Frequency Stability:+/-0.005%
Modulation Deviation:+/-75kHz
Battery type:Built-in Lithium battery
Battery life:15 hours
Talk range:100 meters